@php // dump($invoice_nett); // dump($invoice_tax); // dump($invoice_service); // die(); @endphp

I agree that my liability for this bill is waived and agree to be held personally in the event that the indicated person, company or association fails to pay for any part or full amount of this charge

Saya menyetujui bahwa hutang saya yang tersebut diatas bersifat mengikat dan apabila orang atau perusahaan atau asosiasi dimaksud gagal melunasi sebagian atau seluruh jumlah dari biaya diatas maka saya akan bertanggung jawab sepenuhnya atas tagihan tersebut

Cashier Guest Signature


@if (@$invoice->hotel->telp)


@endif @if (@$invoice->hotel->telp1)


@endif @if (@$invoice->hotel->telp2)


@endif @if (@$invoice->hotel->fax)


@endif @if (@$invoice->hotel->email)


@endif @if (@$invoice->hotel->sosmed)


@if (@$invoice->hotel->logo_footer) @else @endif
@php $count = 1; @endphp @if($invoice_drafts) @foreach($invoice_drafts as $idx => $draft) {{-- @if (count($draft['simplebill'])>0) @foreach ($draft['simplebill'] as $simp) @php $count++; @endphp @endforeach @endif --}} @if ($count % 12 === 0) @endif @php $count++; @endphp @endforeach @endif
{{@$draft['date']}} {{@$draft['rmno']}} {{@$draft['qty']}} {{@$draft['desc']}} {{$draft['peritem'] ? ribuanWithComma($draft['peritem']) : null}} {{$draft['peritem'] ? ribuanWithComma(@$draft['total']) : null}} @php $balance_due += $draft['total']; @endphp
{{@$simp['desc']}} {{@$simp['total'] ? ribuanWithComma(@$simp['total']) : '-'}}
Balance Due : Rp {{ribuanWithComma($balance_due)}}
@if (simpleBill()) Tax : Rp {{ribuanWithComma($invoice_tax)}}
Service : Rp {{ribuanWithComma($invoice_service)}}
Nett : Rp {{ribuanWithComma($invoice_nett)}}