@extends(\Auth::user()->role != 10 ? 'layout' : 'layoutfrontdesk') @section('title', 'Reservation Cancellation List') @section('css') @endsection @section('content')
{{-- TOTAL DATA ON THE TOP --}} {{--
Room : {{$count_room}}
Night : {{$count_nite}}
Adult : {{$count_adult}}
Ch1 : {{$count_ch1}}
Com : {{$count_com}}
--}} {{-- TOTAL DATA ON THE TOP --}} {{-- Room Production Report --}}



{{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} @if (count($cancel_lists) > 0) @foreach($cancel_lists as $key => $booking) {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} {{-- --}} @endforeach @else @endif
Action ResNoColumnNoRmnNo GuestName Arrival Nights Depart Qty RoomCat A ChCoArg RoomRateStCancelDate C-ID CreatedResStatusCancelReason
@if ($booking->start_date >= getSystemDate()) @endif {{ @$booking->booking->kode_booking }}0{{ @$booking->nomor_kamar }} {{ @$booking->guest_room ?? @$booking->booking->nama }} {{ dateFormat(@$booking->start_date, 'd-m-Y') }} {{ @$booking->jumlah_malam }} {{ dateFormat(@$booking->end_date, 'd-m-Y') }} 001 {{ @$booking->jenis_kamar->room_tag }} {{ @$booking->pax }} {{ @$booking->booking->jml_anak }}{{ @$booking->arrangement_codes }} {{ ribuanWithComma(@$booking->per_item) }}{{ dateFormat(@$booking->cancel_date, 'd-m-Y H:i:s' ) }} {{ @$booking->booking->user->username ?? '**' }} {{ dateFormat(@$booking->booking->transaction_date, 'd-m-Y') }}{{ $booking->booking->user_id ? (@$booking->reason_cancel_reservation ?? '-') : ('Cancelled by BookEngine') }}
Night : {{$count_nite}} Room : {{$count_room}} Adult : {{$count_adult}} Ch1 : {{$count_ch1}} Com : {{$count_com}}

No Data

@endsection @section('js') @endsection